Monday, June 10, 2024

A Change of Focus

I have decided to discontinue posting to this blog.  My game development stride is not diminishing.  In fact, it has been increasing of late. I am simply prioritizing my time. This blog does not get much traffic, especially compared with my YouTube channel.  It doesn't make sense to me to expense the effort of blogging updates and videos, especially when they are usually similar in content.  I will leave this blog up for posterity.  Perhaps when my game is closer to release or even post-release, I may pick this back up.  I feel like focusing on game development and providing YouTube updates is a much better use of my time. I also realize that blogs are not nearly as popular as they were 10 or 20 years ago.  Such is the day we live in.

If you would like to keep up with the development of my game and/or are interested in my Godot video content, I invite you to consider subscribing to my YouTube Channel.  Thank you for being here.  I appreciate every second of your time.

Bound2bCoding's YouTube Channel

Until Next Time,

I'm Bound2bCoding

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