Monday, August 7, 2023

Godot 4 Upgrade and Migration from GDScript to C# August Breakthrough!

The month of August is already proving to be a great month for progress in my attempts to upgrade my game from Godot 3 to Godot 4.  Until this weekend, the tilemap had been a huge setback for me.  Coming into the conversion with only limited understanding of the new tilemap system, I made the mistake of assuming it was similar enough to Godot 3 that I could just create the tilesets, add the terrain, and convert my script to C# and it would work.  That was surely a mistaken assumption!

Once I debugged the C# code, I discovered my method of creating a chunk-less map that refreshed the visible tiles for each player movement wasn't going to work the same way in Godot 4 because the method to handle auto-tiling in Godot 4 is slow.  Extremely slow!  I had to step back and re-think my approach. By the end of the weekend I had the system working again and I am very impressed so far with how smooth the refresh is.  I haven't added the trees into the scene yet, but everything looks promising.  Already, I can tell this is going to be amazing!

Getting past the tilemap hurdle, I see wide-open highway in front of me.  Next on my list is completing the flora system conversion, which is already well underway.  Then, I will focus on the inventory system and finally the user interface.  Thanks for following along on this project.

Until next time...